Orange vendors decry poor quality as they suffer losses

SOROTI, May 30, 2024 – Orange vendors in Soroti district say they are incurring losses due to the poor quality of oranges supplied by the local farmers.

They say customers have shunned buying the oranges, some of which are rotten because they are attacked by diseases and pests.

Rebecca Acabo, one of the vendors notes that most oranges from the farms are bitter.

She claims she has lost most of her clients and that this has reduced her daily income. “My customers now buy from elsewhere and this has reduced my daily income,” said Acabo.

Rose Akello, also a vendor says the poor quality of her oranges is affecting her daily sales, adding that most of her customers want value for money and therefore are not buying her poorquality oranges.

She says the price of the oranges from as low as Shs 1,000 for three oranges, although she adds there scarcity of the citrus fruits.

Meanwhile Moses Okello Echeku, the District Agricultural Officer Soroti blames some farmers, saying some of them do not practise farm hygiene, much as the fruits could be infected with diseases. “As a good farmer expecting good yields you must keep your farm clean and safe from infections,” Echeku said.

He advised the farmers to always consult with the extension workers so that they can be advised on the best practices to increase production.

According to the National Agricultural Advisory Services [NAADS], oranges are affected by pests and diseases, which affect their quality.


Leaf miner


The pest is resistant to most available insecticides. Bulldock alternated with Folimat can control leaf mines effectively.

Citrus psyllid




These are shiny black brown insects and may be winged or wingless.

The main injuries caused by aphids on citrus are


Orange dog

Oranges attached by disease (Internet photo)


 Other pests include


Oranges are attacked by many fungal diseases especially when grown under hot, humid conditions.

These include;


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