Cooperatives & Communities

New season: Alebtong cooperative farmers to get seeds for planting

ALEBTONG – At least 100 farmers under Abukamola Onote Joint Cooperative Society in Omoro Sub-county in Alebtong district are to receive sunflower, soybean, and maize seeds for planting this season from Alito Joint Multipurpose Cooperative Society.

According to the coordinator of the cooperative who is also Omoro LC3 chairperson, Isaac Apenyo, they target to increase household income through bulking and accessing better markets.

He said Abukamola Onote Joint Cooperative Society which started two years ago has registered 90 members. They target to recruit 300 members this year.

According to James Onyanga, the LCI chairperson of Amwak village, Onote Joint Cooperative Society emerged out of Alimokuc Primary Cooperative Society, which collapsed 20 years ago due to poor administration.

Apenyo on Tuesday encouraged farmers to buy shares in the cooperative, saying they will enjoy many benefits of membership including getting quality seeds for planting.

The area, according to Apenyo, has three vibrant cooperative societies, which include Abukamola, Ogowie, and Oculukoro with over 500 members.

“Right now shares are being given out at Shs 100,000 and as a coordinator, I want to advise our people to come and join because together we can develop and create a positive impact,” Apenyo added.

The area, Onyanga says, is suitable for the production of sunflower and soybean and that farming under a cooperative will boost production and productivity on the farms.

Onyanga said he produced 500 kilogrammes of sunflower last year and sold at a farm gate price of Shs 1,000 per kilogramme, yet, he said, if he had been under cooperative, he would have sold his produce at Shs 1500 or Shs 1,800.

“We want the cooperative to be strong such that farmers are embarked on large-scale production of soybean, sunflower, and cotton,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Alebtong district LCV chairperson, David Kennedy Odongo recently urged people to form SACCOs since it is an option to reduce poverty.

He was addressing residents at Baropiro Primary School in Abukamola Parish during the launch of an ambulance donated by the Government Chief Whip, Denis Hamson Obua. Odongo urged people with negative attitudes towards cooperatives to change.

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