New NIRA Board sworn in today, urged on diligence

KAMPALA, May 15, 2024 – The Principal Judge, Dr. Flavian Zeija has today presided over the swearing-in ceremony of new members of the National Identification and Registration Authority [ NIRA] Governing Board at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala.

Those sworn in include; Joseph N Biribonwa [Chairperson Governing Board], Benny Namugwanya Bugembe [Vice Chairperson], Maj. Gen. Apollo Kasiita Gowa, Ambrose Kibuuka Banyezaki, Assistant Inspector General of Police Grace Akullo, and Henry Ngiya as members of the Board.

Justice Zeija congratulated the newly sworn-in board and reminded them that the Official Oath and Oath of Secrecy taken were crucial commitments to serving NIRA and the public diligently. He added that their appointments were a divine call to serve the people of Uganda and to uphold the Constitution.

He expressed his confidence in their competencies and urged the Board to be mindful of their responsibilities outlined in the Registration of Persons Act 2015.

Highlighting NIRA’s achievements, such as enrolling 30 million Ugandans and eliminating ghosts from Government payroll, Zeija acknowledged existing concerns regarding client frustrations. He encouraged the new Board to address these issues, he underscored the importance of fostering client satisfaction and understanding.

Joseph N Biribonwa being sworn in (Photo by Hanifar Samula).

The NIRA Chairperson, Biribonwa, who was reappointed, welcomed the new members to the board, stating that he looks forward to their wisdom, bringing valuable knowledge to help drive the institution.

He pledged commitment to work as a team and to honor the Registration of Persons Act, especially as NIRA embarks on a mass registration and renewal exercise for Ugandan National Identity Cards.

Maj. Gen. Apollo Kasiita-Gowa, the Director Citizenship & Immigration Control, who also represented the Minister for Internal Affairs Kahinda Otafiire congratulated the newly sworn-in members and urged them to serve with integrity for the benefit of the people of Uganda.

He emphasised the importance of upholding the spirit of service and supporting the Executive Director in her work.

Rosemary Kisembo, NIRA Executive Director witnessed the swearing-in. HW James Ereemye Jumire Mawanda, the Judiciary Public Relations Officer, moderated the event.

The Mandate of NIRA is to create, manage, maintain and operationeralise the National Identification Register by registering all citizens of Uganda, registering non-citizens of Uganda who are lawfully residents in Uganda, registering births and deaths, assigning a unique National Identification Number to every person registered.

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