New digital money transfer platform launched for PDM beneficiaries

BUKEDEA – The State Minister for Microfinance, Haruna Kyeyune Kasolo recently launched a new digital money transfer system dubbed ‘Wendi Digital Platform’ to serve the beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model [PDM].

The system was developed by Post Bank Uganda in partnership with MTN Uganda to transfer cash from the bank account to mobile money account of a particular PDM beneficiary.

While speaking to hundreds of PDM beneficiaries at Bukedea district headquarters days ago, minister Kasolo said the digital platform would help them to withdraw their money from wherever they are.

He added that government through Post Bank and MTN came up with the new digital system as a solution to the problems that PDM beneficiaries have been encountering while trying to access the funds disbursed to them.

The minister said with the new money transfer system, PDM beneficiaries have been saved from moving long distances to banks in towns to withdraw the money.

He further acknowledged the challenges faced by the PDM beneficiaries, such as extra charges imposed by parish chiefs, risks associated with traveling long distances, theft of cash, and overcrowding in the banking halls.

However, he said the system currently serves only PDM beneficiaries who have opened banks accounts in government banks like Post Bank Uganda, and Housing Financial Bank.

Richard Yeko, the MTN Mobile Money Uganda Limited chief executive director said they have provided 100 smartphones to Bukedea district PDM beneficiaries to use in accessing the digital money transfer platform.

He urged all the PDM beneficiaries in the country to embrace the digital transfer system such that they move with the digital generation of money transfers.

David Malinga, a PDM beneficiary, expressed happiness with the system, saying they have been travelling long distances from the villages to access bank services in Soroti City.

The PDM was launched in February 2022 to move 3.5 million households from the subsistence economy to the money economy through commercial production targeting the agricultural value chain.

Under the PDM, government intends to send Shs 100mln every financial year to each parish in Uganda for income generating activities such as growing coffee, bananas, grains, cereals, piggery, poultry keeping, and dairy farming among others.

In the last financial year budget, government provided over Shs 1 trillion for the five-year programme, the same amount it has provided for the programme in the current financial year, targeting 10,594 parishes in the country.

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