NCUT creates bank account to help cooperatives affected by earthquakes in Turkey

LONDON – The National Cooperative Union of Turkey [NCUT] has opened a bank account to provide assistance to member cooperatives affected by the recent earthquakes in Turkey.

This follows the request of International Cooperative Alliance [ICA] members asking how they can help the cooperative movement in the country following the deadly earthquakes.

“Due to the earthquake in our country, the willingness of the ICA and its members to help made us all happy. Previously, the Turkish National Cooperative Union [Turkiye Koop] had requested that the assistance provided by ICA member cooperatives be provided to national and international aid organisations as general assistance,” said Muammer Niksarlı Turkiye Koop President in a recent letter addressed to ICA President Ariel Guarco.

He added: We have just created a bank account to support the cooperative movement.”

“Millions of people are seeking shelter in difficult weather and living conditions. Many cooperatives and cooperatives in this region suffered losses of life and property. The work of cooperatives has been greatly negatively affected,” says the ICA on its website which has published the details of the bank account to which members can deposit the money to help cooperatives in Turkey.

Bank Account IBAN Number

National Cooperative Union of Turkey (Turkiye Koop)

Bank Swift Code: TCZBTR2A

TR13 0001 0017 6548 3410 8150 11 (Dollars)

TR40 0001 0017 6548 3410 8150 10 (Euro)

Since two earthquakes occurred in the south of Turkey and in Syria on  February 6, 2023, more than 50,000  people lost their lives, while more than 120,000 people were injured.

Meanwhile, as the war in Ukraine continues, cooperatives around the world have been intensifying their relief efforts in the country while welcoming displaced Ukrainians.

For instance, the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation [NACF] of Korea last year partnered with Polish and Turkish cooperatives to assist their counterparts in Ukraine and Poland, and help displaced Ukrainians.

NACF donated €100,000 to humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

The ICA also launched a fundraising appeal for Ukraine, encouraging members to join efforts to mitigate the hardships being inflicted on the Ukrainian people.

Likewise, the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions [WFCU] raised US$1.37 million for its Ukrainian Credit Union Displacement Fund. Donations came from more than 1,200 individuals, nearly 200 credit unions, and dozens of credit union leagues, associations, foundations, and other industry partners.

In the USA the National Co+op Grocers [NCG], the Cooperative Development Foundation [CDF], and NCBA CLUSA raised US$ 163,998.30 to support Ukrainian cooperators.

European cooperatives have been supporting relief efforts in Ukraine via donations to NGOs and Ukrainian cooperatives. Meanwhile, cooperatives in states neighbouring Ukraine are working to provide shelter, food, work, and other immediate support to refugees arriving. Similarly, is creating a platform that can be used by NGOs and humanitarian organisations to find hosts for refugees.

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