Namutumba officials remanded over theft of PDM cash

The accused are, Emmanuel Ngobi –Chairperson, Isma Kabenene -Vice chairperson and Wilberforce Kasisa -Secretary.

NAMUTUMBA, August 7, 2024 – Three Parish Development Model [PDM] leaders in Namutumba district were yesterday remanded to prison on charges of obtaining money by false pretence.

They were arrested by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit [SHACU] working in partnership with the Uganda Police and the Directorate of Public Prosecutions [DPP], and arraigned before the Chief Magistrates Court, Iganga district.

The accused are Emmanuel Ngobi –Chairperson, Isma Kabenene -Vice Chairperson and Wilberforce Kasisa -Secretary.

It is alleged that during September 2023, the trio being leaders in the Kiwani PDM SACCO in Bulolo village, Namutumba district fraudulently obtained money from several PDM beneficiaries, claiming it was a prerequisite for processing their funds whereas not.

They have been remanded to prison until August 27, 2024, when they will come back to court for mention of their case.

The arrests of the accused were made in ongoing investigations by the SHACU in collaboration with police following a presidential directive to investigate graft in handling PDM funds.

The PDM is a government initiative launched in 2022, to move 3.5 million households in Uganda from the subsistence to the money economy.

Every financial year government allocated over Shs 1 trillion to the programme. The money is disbursed to different parishes for the programme’s beneficiaries to borrow at friendly interest.  Each beneficiary receives Shs 1mln to invest in enterprises such as coffee, piggery, poultry keeping, fish farming, and beekeeping, among others.

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