
Nabbanja urges women to embrace high-density farming

KYOTERA– Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja has advised women in both rural and urban communities to engage in high-density farming, saying it will help them boost their household incomes.

According to agricultural experts, high-density farming boosts crop yields without increasing the space required for planting.

While addressing women of Kyotera district during their celebrations to mark the belated International Women’s Day on Saturday at Kasambya playground in Kyotera Town Council, Nabbanja argued that if women planted high-value crops on their small pieces of land, they would get higher net income to sustain their families.

“Plant a variety of crops both and cash crops on your small pieces of land to double incomes as well as enough food for your families,” she advised.

Kyotera district is one of the agricultural districts in the country whose rural farmers rely on subsistence agriculture practiced on small pieces of land.

The Prime Minister said growing high-value crops could help poor households get out of poverty. Nabbanja divulged that government has finalised plans for the construction of the 89-kilometre Mutukula-Masaka road to ease the transportation of agricultural produce and imports from Tanzania.

The Minister of State for Microfinance, Haruna Kasolo said government is targeting women in the fight against household poverty through programmes like the Parish Development Model [PDM] where 30 percent of the selected projects like piggery’ poultry, and crop farming will benefit women.

Rose Nabaggala, a female farmer at Kabira Village in Kasaali Sub-county said mothers have full responsibility of families and decision makers on what food to put on the table but find it hard to get money to sustain their families due to lack of land for cultivation.

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