Museveni pledges tractor to Omoro coffee farmers

OMORO– President Yoweri Museveni has pledged to give a tractor to coffee farmers in Lakwana Sub-county in Omoro district.

The beneficiaries are expected to be out growers under MK Morden Organic Naturals, a farm established in Keto village, Lakwana Sub-county in Omoro district.

Dr. Pascal Osire, the executive director MK Modern Organic Naturals while welcoming Museveni to the farm said the tractor would help in supporting farmers who are interested in joining coffee farming in the area.

Currently, the farm deals in chilly and hot pepper farming, having planted over 5.5 acres in total.

Osire said that the tractor will boost the capacity of the farmers who are currently struggling to open up land to plant coffee, a cash crop President Museveni has been rooting for in recent times.

“The tractor would help support the farmers in this community to join the…the fight against household poverty by clearing bigger chunks of land,” Osire said.

According to Osire, his farm will now set up coffee seedling nursery beds to supply the farmers as it seeks to recruit more people into coffee farming.

“Our target is to green this entire community with coffee in the next two years,” Osire said.

Douglas Peter Okello, the Omoro District LCV chairperson said the district has registered 700 coffee farmers in the past three years.

President Museveni, who had visited the farmers and organisations in his regional tour on poverty eradication, said that since people now understand his message of coffee farming, he will give the tractor to boost their efforts.

President Museveni has been  in Acholi Sub-region on his regional tour themed, “Securing your future and wealth creation” explning how leaders can help locals create wealth for themselves through modern agriculture.

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