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Museveni gives truck, Money to Gulu sacco

GULU –President Yoweri Museveni has given a Fuso truck and Shs 20m to Gulu Main Market Vendors’ Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Limited –honoring a pledge he made three years ago in February 2018.

The truck registration number UBH 535 V worth about Shs 100 million was delivered on April 17 by Bosco Olak Odoch, the NRM coordinator for Northern Uganda.

The pledge was made in 2018 during thanksgiving prayers for local chairpersons at Kaunda Grounds in the then Gulu Municipality.

Odoch said the president took long to deliver on his pledge because no one reminded him.

“When I came in, I was requested to follow the pledge. So, I’m requesting everyone or organization that has a pending pledge to bring it forward, so that I help follow it up. The problem in Statehouse is that there are a lot of pledges and if there is no one to follow up, it takes a lot of time before it is honored,” Odoch said.

He advised the SACCO to use the vehicle well and make more money.

Santo Obura, the Sacco vice-secretary, appealed for more support from the president. 

“We thank the president for honoring his pledge, but this is not yet enough, we need some more. If you hear about the support given to KACITA (Kampala traders association), the president pledges Shs 200 million or even a billion shillings. How different are we from traders in Kampala?” Obura said, drawing thunderous applause.

Odoch promised to lobby for more financial support.

The SACCO was registered in 2019 and has over 2000 members.

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