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Museveni donates tractor to ex-soldiers

Ex-special forces soldiers from Gulu, commonly known as Kikosi Maalum, have received a tractor donated to them by President Yoweri Museveni to help them get out of poverty through agriculture.

Mathew Opoka, the Chairperson of Kikosi Maalum said they requested for two tractors, 80 iron sheets for each of their 1,400 members and Shs 500mfor their SACCO from President Yoweri Museveni.

Opoka revealed that the President gave the group Shs 100m for their SACCO in August 2020.

“I want to thank the president for supporting and not forgetting us since he was part of the team that also fought to bring peace to the country,” he said. Kikosi Maalum was part of the anti-Amin forces that contributed to his ouster in 1979.

The ex-soldiers promised to use the tractor to build wealth.

“We will use this tractor to fight poverty and improve on our standards of living because most of us are now farmers,” Opoka said. 

Gulu Resident District Commissioner, Major Okot Santos Lapolo who handed over the tractor to the ex-special forces asked the group to take good care of it if they are to benefit from it.

“Make sure that you service the tractor so that it does not break down. Keep records of your operations, “the RDC advised.

“Use this tractor and the money you were given to get out of the mud of poverty,” Lapolo added.

Kikosi Maalum (Special Forces), was a Ugandan guerrilla group based in Tanzania that was formed by former president Apollo Milton Obote to overthrow Amin’s regime which had overthrown him in a coup on January 25, 1971. 

The group was commanded by Gen Tito Okello Lutwa and Maj. Gen. David Oyite-Ojok, both deceased.

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