
Museveni, Among clash over 4-acre model in Northern Uganda

The 4-acre model promotes agricultural diversification: one acre for coffee, another for fruit trees, a third for staple crops, and the fourth for livestock pasture

GULU CITY, August 30, 2024 – President Yoweri Museveni has sharply criticised the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, for challenging the relevance of the 4-acre model he has been advocating nationwide. Among suggested that the model, which involves dividing land into four segments for diverse crops and livestock, is unsuitable for Northern Uganda due to the region’s ample land resources.

During the Regional Parliament session in Gulu City on Thursday, Among argued that Northern Uganda would benefit more from mechanised agriculture rather than the 4-acre model. “The 4-acre model may not be essential here because we have plenty of land. What we need is mechanisation—tractors, seeds, markets, and investment in production. This approach will better support our farmers,” she said.

Museveni disagreed strongly with Among’s stance, suggesting that her comments might mislead the local population. “I heard the Speaker’s remarks, and I must clarify that the 4-acre model is indeed applicable here. It was designed as a rescue operation for areas with fragmented land. Ugandans need to embrace extensive agriculture, and the Speaker should not confuse people about the model,” Museveni stated.

The 4-acre model promotes agricultural diversification: one acre for coffee, another for fruit trees, a third for staple crops, and the fourth for livestock pasture. Additionally, Museveni emphasised the importance of supplementary activities such as poultry, piggery, and fish farming in ponds.

Museveni warned that without moving away from subsistence farming, poverty will persist because people will remain outside the money economy. He cited the example of Busoga’s sugarcane farmers who must wait 18 months to harvest, stressing the need for investment in cash crops.

Despite acknowledging that Northern Uganda historically grew crops like sugarcane, tea, and cotton, Museveni has discouraged their exclusive cultivation due to their lower monetary value. “I’ve recommended seven crop enterprises that do not include tea, cotton, or sugarcane because they offer less financial benefit,” he said.

Among, however, maintained that agricultural mechanisation should be prioritized in Northern Uganda to combat poverty. “While we value the 4-acre model, this region needs mechanization to make a real impact,” she insisted.

On the first day of the Regional Parliament session, Among dismissed a report by the Committee on Agriculture presented by Agnes Linda Auma, the Lira district Woman Member of Parliament. She criticised the report for lacking substantial data on agricultural production and failing to address critical factors like crop selection, market viability, and livestock farming.

Among has directed the committee to revise and elaborate on the agricultural report to better inform government action. “We need a comprehensive report on agriculture from this region for government action,” she said.

Among also invited State Minister for Northern Uganda Dr. Kenneth Omona to address development issues in the region. She expressed disappointment over the lack of a comprehensive report on ongoing challenges. “You must focus on the issues affecting this region through legislation. Go back and reorganise,” she said.


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