MP Auma extends financial support to VSLAs in Kwania district

The donation is part of Auma’s personal initiatives towards empowering different women’s groups at the grassroots in the struggle to alleviate poverty.

Kwania, June 19, 2024 – Kwania District Woman Member of Parliament, Kenny Auma Lapat has donated Shs 2.3 million to 10 Women Village Savings and Loan Associations [VSLA] groups in the district to help them engage in income-generating activities.

Among the groups that benefited from the donation include Rwot-En-Lonyo VSLA located in Alany cell, Teduka ward in Aduku town council who received Shs 400,000, and Bedigen VSLA in Baradu village, Wigweng parish in Atongtidi Subcounty who received a cash donation of Shs 300,000.

Other village saving groups who received Shs 200,000 each were Obanga pe wany, Orib cing, Ter can ilwak, Rwot Akica, Noteber, Poo pi anyim, Mon Yele, and Obanga En Mar Village Saving Group,  all in Acwao Parish, Nambieso Subcounty.

The donation is part of Auma’s personal initiatives towards empowering different women’s groups at the grassroots in the struggle to alleviate poverty.

Invest in vibrant projects

Addressing members of Bedigen Village Saving Group in Baradu village in Atongtidi Subcounty on Sunday, Auma rallied women to use the money given to their groups to invest in vibrant projects to improve on their livelihoods.

“I implore you to use this group to borrow money and invest in vibrant projects like piggery, goats rearing and poultry. Don’t borrow money for buying news dress and change diet that will take you nowhere,” she said.

Agnes Adongo Minrut, LCV Councillor for Chawente and Atongtidi Subcounty rallied the women to join different groups to benefit from the government programs to alleviate poverty.

“I want to thank you for being in the group and I want to encourage other women to join groups. You cannot benefit from the government programmes if you are not in group. Try with all your level best to be in the group to improve you household income,” she said.

Some of the group members expressed excitements upon receiving the money. They pledged to make the best use of the money to improve their household incomes.

Catharine Angwec, a member of Rwot En Lonyo said, “We don’t share our savings annually like other village savings groups do but we plan to grow our savings and invest in decoration. I want to appreciate so much MP Kenny for the financial support and we shall make the best use of the money.”

Patrick Ogwang Obia, Chawente Subcounty LCV Councillor who has also shown interest to contest for Kwania district LCV seat in the 2026 general elections hailed MP Auma for exhibiting visionary leadership in Kwania district.

“Nobody think of supporting the village saving groups this is the reason I want to appreciate Honourable Kenny Auma. She is not only vocal on the floor of Parliament but is also committed in her constituency. Kenny your continuous support to the VSLA has seen some of the groups grow into SACCOs and I thank you for that,” he said.

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