
Minister Okasai urges church leaders to promote wealth creation

KUMI, August 26, 2024 — Sidronius Opolot Okasai, State Minister for Energy, has urged leaders of the Reformed Anglican Church in Uganda to actively sensitise their congregations about government’s wealth creation initiatives.

Speaking at the second anniversary celebrations of the Reformed Anglican Church in Kumi district on Saturday, Okasai encouraged church leaders to advocate for wealth creation as a means to improve the lives of the followers.

The minister highlighted the importance of programmes such as the Parish Development Model [PDM] and Emyooga Programme, and called on church leaders to lead by example by embracing these initiatives.

The celebrations in Kumi district were overseen by Prof. Jonathan Kyangasha, the Archbishop of the Reformed Anglican Church in Uganda. Kyangasha urged Christians to embrace love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. “We want to see churches and other denominations unite in love and reconciliation to foster development,” he stated.

He also strongly condemned corruption, describing it as a major issue undermining the country’s progress. Kyangasha emphasised that church leaders must denounce corruption unequivocally.

Archbishop of the Reformed Anglican Church Uganda, Prof. Jonathan Kyangasha ( right) praying for the Christians gathered in Atutur, Kumi on Saturday. Photo by Susan Nanjala.

Bishop Charles Okunya, Overseer of the Reformed Anglican churches in the Teso Subregion, praised the government for its efforts to enhance livelihoods through various programmes. He affirmed the church’s commitment to providing alternative survival strategies to support the community.

Silvester Isiagi, a Kumi district resident and former civil servant, encouraged fellow Christians to seek alternative means of survival rather than relying solely on PDM, and Emyooga funds.

Solomon Opio, a parliamentary aspirant, urged Christians to embrace peace and love as essential for the country’s progress.

Although the roots of the Reformed Anglican Church go back to 1789, its formal registration in Uganda occurred in 2019. Currently, Reformed Anglican Church of Uganda has been extended in Fort Portal, Kumi, Arua and neighbouring country Rwanda.


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