Minister of land launches multi billion road work construction in Gulu City

GULU– The Minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba, has launched road construction in Gulu City.
The multibillion road construction works worth Shs 42.8 billion under the Uganda Support for Municipal Infrastructure Development (USMID) phase two was launched last week at Gulu Archdiocese.
The 7.78 kilometres of road under construction include Vincent Oola Lubaro Road of 2.540Km, Pope John Paul Road of 1.540Km and Nelson Mandela Road of 1.680 Kilometres.
Others are; Onono Road of 1.014Km, Lakana Odongkara of 0.583Km and Francis Barabanawe Road measuring 0.431 kilometres.
The construction work is being undertaken by China Railway Group 18, a Chinese construction firm that was awarded the contract by Gulu City Council Authority in April last year.
The Minister of Land Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba has called for close supervision of the construction works.
The Mayor Bar-Dege Layibi Division, Patrick Oola Lumumba explained that the poor state of roads within the division has affected transport, trade and businesses.
He revealed that the division has prioritised rehabilitation of about 100 roads within the next five years through local revenues to facilitate trade and improve on the security of the area.
Fred Obwona, the Chairperson of Bardage-Layibi division Boda- Boda SACCO has commended the extension of the USMID project into the division which he says will boost their income.
Obwona revealed that three boda-boda riders were killed by unknown people in the last 12 months after they were waylaid in some of the bad roads in the area.
He further explained that many of the boda-boda riders in the area will benefit from the new road network since they were struggling to raise money to pay back loans of the motor cycles they have acquired from the Microfinance Institutions.
“We are hopeful to take economic advantage of the roads once they are completed to improve our household incomes,” Obwona further explained.
However, the Commercial Manager of the construction firm, Zhang Milo disclosed in an interview later with theCooperator that work will begin in the next one week and be complete in 12 months.
“We have assembled some of the equipment here while others are yet to arrive in the country,” Zhang told theCooperator.
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