MBALE, November 10, 2023 – Authorities in Mbale district say the increased absenteeism of teachers and learners in schools is due to poor roads, which they say are yet to be rehabilitated.
Speaking at the budget conference held at Mbale district district headquarters on Tuesday, Lydia Musunga, the Mbale District Education Officer said schools in hard-to-reach sub-counties like Busano, Bufumbo, Wanale and Bubyangu continue to register high cases of absenteeism of pupils and teachers.
She said that all roads leading in these area in a dilapidated state and become impassable during the rainy season, forcing some learners and teachers to remain home during school days.
Musungu said absenteeism of teachers and learners could lead poor performance at this year’s Primary Leaving Examination [PLE] which was concluded yesterday.
Meanwhile, Mohamed Mafabi, the Mbale district LCV chairperson said they have got biometric machines which they will Install in all government institutions in the district to solve the problem of absenteeism.
He added that Mbale district received Shs 500 million from the central government to rehabilitate all roads in bad conditions, especially in hard-to-reach areas of the mountainous district.
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