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Masindi youth promoting agriculture through music

A section of youth from Miirya Sub County in Masindi district, under their umbrella organisation-Agri-planet Uganda- have started promoting agriculture through music.

Already, they have recruited several talented musicians from the Bunyoro region to compose and record music that inspires people to embrace agriculture. 

“We need to change the trend by promoting Agriculture through music, and I am sure we are going to achieve it,” explained Cleophs Alinaitwe, a proprietor of Agri-Planet Uganda, a youth-based platform and social enterprise that focuses on imparting agricultural skills to young people in Masindi district. 

“Many songs have been made promoting other sectors, but agriculture has hardly been thought of. That is why we have introduced Agri-Edutainment into our programmes to inspire the young generation and the entire population to enjoy agriculture” Alinaitwe said.

Alinaitwe revealed that the organisation has so far recruited four musicians who ahve already released one song which is inspiring the young generation to enjoy agriculture. 

“Three more songs promoting agriculture are in pipeline now, and will be  widely circulated on different platforms once released,” he said.

“I call upon musicians in the Bunyoro sub region to refocus their music to sectors which will benefit them, such as agriculture,” he said.

Youthful members of Agri-Planet Uganda. They say they have benefited a lot from the organisation. Photo By Yosam Gucwaki.jpg

Joseph Kirya, aka Badman Sniper, is one of the musicians contracted to promote agriculture through music. He notes that after understanding the value of agriculture, he is now dedicated to creating music that will inspire embrace of agriculture as a life changer. 

“I am dedicated to making music which will encourage farmers in Bunyoro sub-region to enjoy agriculture,” explained Kirya.

Another musician who was brought on board, Gerald Twesige aka Lovens official  says music is the best way of disseminating agricultural information adding that they will strive to produce quality music that farmers can enjoy.

Big dreams

Ignitious Ahumuza, another of the organisation’s proprietors, says that Agri-Planet Uganda’s vision is to transform Africa’s agricultural sector as an enabler of rural economies.

He added that the group is in the process of facilitating the formation of the Albertine poultry association and the Albertine banana farmers’ association through which they hope to provide extension services to farmers.

“We could have completed this exercise only that we were antagonized by the Coronavirus pandemic. I am calling upon farmer organisations in Masindi and the entire region to join us such that we can make agriculture admirable by attaining the necessary skills,” said Ahumuza.

In addition, the organisation owns more than five acres of banana and over 500 poultry chickens birds. Current production stands at 15 bunches of banana a week, and 10 trays of eggs per day.

They also hope to equip youthful farmers with important skills, lobby for markets on their behalf and set up a Farmers’ Resource Centre.

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