Masindi women leaders tipped on poverty eradication 

MASINDI, June 7, 2024 – Over 80 women leaders from Masindi district have been challenged to mobilise fellow women to embrace different government programmes initiated to fight household poverty.

Speaking on Wednesday during the training for Masindi district leaders at Kolping Hotel in Masindi town, Chairperson of the National Women’s Council [NWC], Faridah Kibowa said government had put in place different programmes like Emyooga, Uganda Women Entrepreneurship programme [UWEPE], Parish Development Model [PDM] among others to help people move out of poverty.

She urged the women leaders to disseminate the right information to fellow women, and explain the criteria used to identify the beneficiaries of the different programmes.

“Poverty is the major cause of conflicts in families. As women leaders, encourage women to work and also involve  themselves in government programmes put in place,” said Kibowa during the training where women leaders were taken through the their roles in ensuring that women in the district are empowered.

Kibowa commended government for initiating different programmes targeting women empowerment across the country, adding that those who have embraced the programmes have not remained the same.

“It’s our role as women leaders to mobilise and also sensitise these women to get empowered economically, but this can be done through working in groups and also ensuring that women benefit from the available programmes. Let’s ensure that the women know how to benefit from these programmes. The most challenge women face lack of information,” she said.

She also warned the women leaders to desist from internal bickering, saying that it does not add any value to them. “Most of the conflicts are brought about by leaders failing to know their roles,” she noted.

On her part, Sarah Gonzaga, Chairperson Masindi District Women’s Council said that women leaders in the distrct face many challenges including stigmatisation, segregation, disrespect by other leaders, lack of facilitation and also nonrecognition.

“But amidst these challenges, we have continued to play our roles and we respond positively whenever we are called. We have a challenge of internal bickering and I am optimistic that with this training this is going to be addressed,” she said.

The training which was organised by the Ministry of Gender, in partnership with the NWC and Florence Asiimwe the Woman Member of Parliament, Masindi district aimed at sensitising the women leaders on their roles, GBV reduction, instilling good parenting skills among others.

Hajara Nakiwolo, Programme Officer at NWC said participants will be better leaders after undergoing the training , and be able to fight gender based violence [GBV].

On her part, MP Asiimwe challenged the participants to always leave an exemplary life.

“Following this training I am sure that the gaps we have been facing are going to be addressed. Ensure that you are role models in your families and also popularise the different government programmes such that our women in the villages are able to know them,” said Asiimwe.

NWC is mandated to organise and unify all women of Uganda who actively contribute to sustainable community and national development through promotion of peace, accountability, justice and self-development though training, sensitization, networking, lobbying, advocacy and provision of micro-finance credit services.

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