
Masindi flood victims receive relief items from Kinyara Sugar Limited

MASINDI, December 11, 2023 – Over 1000 people who were affected by floods in Kimengo Sub-county Masindi district after River Kafu burst its banks have received relief items from Kinyara Sugar Limited worth Shs 50 million.

Over five square miles of crops like maize, ground nuts, and beans were destroyed in the sub-county following the heavy rains that occurred between October and November.

Hundreds of people of people were also displaced and over 40 heads of cattle were killed following the floods.

Four villages including Nyakarongo, Karangwe, Kididima, Kibangya in Kimengo Sub-county were affected.

On Friday Kinyara Sugar Limited [KSL] handed over 1500 kilogrammes of posho, 1000kgs of beans, 500kgs of sugar, 300kgs of beans seeds and 300kgs of maize grains for planting to the leadership of Masindi district at Kimengo Sub-county headquarters.

The items were handed over by KSL General Manager, Ravi Ramalingam to Emmy Ngabirano, the Masindi Resident District Commissioner, Emmanuel Awio, the Masindi Deputy Chief Administrative officer and Bright Mugume, the LCIII Chairperson Kimengo Sub-county among others.

Ramalingam noted that the items which were given out on humanitarian group are meant for the  vulnerable communities who were severely affected by the heavy rains.

Aldon Walukamba, the Corporate Communications manager KSL asked other partners and well wishers to also join the company in a helping hand to the affected people.

Mugume explained that property worth Shs 5 billion were destroyed, adding that residents in the affected areas are likely to experience severe hunger.

“We thank Kinyara Sugar Limited for  for intervening at a very critical moment we needed help. People were left with nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep,” noted Mugume.

The Masindi district LCV Vice Chairperson,  Kassim Kabagonza appealed to the Office of the Prime Minister to expedite the process of sending relief items, saying the affected people are in poor conditions.

Handing over that items to the leadership of Kimengo Sub county, Ngabirano applauded KSL for complimenting to what government would have done.

He however cautioned the people of Masindi against environmental destruction, stating that climate change mitigation needs to be done to avoid such disasters.

“This was as a result of environmental destruction not only by the people of Masindi but also in other districts like Hoima, Kiboga and Kyankwanzi where River Kafu snakes through. Don’t go back where it flooded because naturally because flooding could happen again,” warned Ngabirano.

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