Lockdown: Criminal Gangs Terrorize Gulu

GULU – Livestock farmers in Gulu District are wrestling with a spate animal and poultry thefts carried out by criminal gangs taking advantage of the new lockdown announced on June 18 to slow the march of the raging Coronavirus in the country.
In the last one week, 80 goats, 25 pigs and 76 poultry have been stolen in Omel Sub County in Gulu District by criminal gangs.
Interviewed by theCooperator on Sunday, June 20, Walter Okello, the area LC-III Councilor for Omel Parish, said the most affected villages are Kuru and Akamdyang.
Okello said that in one week, a group of unknown people have raided the area and stolen food, animals and poultry.
Most of the raids happen between 12:00 am and 3:00am. The attackers raid in gangs of five to nine people.
Okello however, appealed for the deployment of security forces in the area to protect livestock farmers from the machete wielding gangs.
He said the community members can’t pursue the criminal gangs because they are tied down by the 7pm to 5am curfew that restricts movement.
Patrick Okello, who has lost three goats, said about five people raided his home at night on June 19, locked him inside the house and took his animals.
King Justine Alex, another resident who equally lost 15 birds, said a similar group raided his pen and threatened to kill him when he confronted them.
Patrick Ogola, the area LC-I councilor, said an emergency security meeting will be held soon to discuss the security crisis in the area.
Aswa Regional Police however, said they are not aware of the raids.
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