LONDON-Next year’s joint International Cooperative Alliance Committee on Cooperative Research [ICA CCR] Global and European Cooperative Research Conference will take place on July 10-13, 2023, in Leuven, Belgium.
Hosted by the Centre of Expertise for Cooperative Entrepreneurship [KCO KU Leuven], the conference will bring together academics, researchers, and cooperative practitioners from all over the world, as well as policy-makers at the European Union and international level to discuss the latest research and policy developments in the area of cooperative governance.
The conference’s theme is ‘Innovating in cooperative governance. Governing cooperative innovation’. This year, a similar conference was held in July in Athens, Greece.
KCO KU Leuven is a research and teaching centre that brings together various stakeholders from the field of cooperative entrepreneurship with the aim of “advancing knowledge, proficiency, and legitimacy”.
The conference will explore a range of topics, including: innovations in cooperative governance; new technologies and cooperative governance; new forms of cooperativism; cooperatives innovating towards ecological sustainability; cooperatives, social innovation and civic wealth creation; resilience, crisis and innovations; cooperatives in new sectors and developments in traditional sectors; innovations in cooperative law; and cooperative education and training.
Other cooperative research events taking place next year are the 9th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise [September 11-14, 2023, Frankfurt, Germany] and the 9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy [July 4-6, 2023, Seoul, Republic of Korea].
Meanwhile, the Korea National Agricultural Cooperative Federation [NACF] weeks ago held the NACF-ICAO Workshop “Smart and Digital Agriculture for Sustainability” in Seoul, South Korea.
The workshop was addressed to members of the International Cooperative Agricultural Organisation [ICAO] to share knowledge and experiences on digital transition. It consisted of a capacity building seminar on digitalisation and several visits in the area of interest of the attendees, such as an agricultural museum and the NACF Smart Agriculture Support Center.
During the workshop, NACF introduced its efforts to support in the digital transition of its members. NACF is providing digital farming technology to cooperatives in 15 countries around the world. In addition, it requested support from global agricultural cooperatives to host the 2030 World Expo in Busan, Republic of Korea.
The opening ceremony was attended by 46 representatives from 17 agriculture cooperatives from 15 countries, including ICAO president and NACF Chairman, Sung-hee Lee; ICAO Vice-Presidents, Mieczyslaw Grodzki [NCC, Poland] and and ICAO’s executive member Christie Rowena Plantilla [FPSDC, Philippines].
Lee stated, “Starting with this workshop, ICAO and NACF will share the goals achieved by member organisations through digital innovation.”
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