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Lango leaders caution govt on hurrying PDM processes

OYAM– A section Lango leaders have raised concern over the implementation of the Parish Development Model [PDM], saying the speed at which government is implementing some activities must be checked, especially if the citizens in the sub-region are to understand the programme better.

The concerned leaders said the process to enroll PDM is a good idea but the beneficiaries have the challenge of reading and understanding the guidelines that govern the revolving PDM funds to be managed by PDM SACCOs.

According to the leaders at the grassroots, the acute famine is looming, and if the government hurries to disburse the money, it will be mismanaged and the programme will collapse within the shortest time, even if it is earmarked to be implemented in five years.

The Govt has earmarked at least Shs 1trillion for the PDM. The money will be distributed among the 10,594 parishes across the country starting this financial year 2022/2023 in which some money has been disbursed.

The widely popularised programme intends to extend Shs 100mln every year to each of the parish SACCOs for organised beneficiary groups to borrow at 6 percent per annum.

The programme also emphasises more on approaches to increase production, processing, marketing, infrastructures, social services, financial inclusion, economic services, and mindset change amongst the citizens.

William Owiny, the LCII chairperson of Baropiro parish in Omoro Subcounty, Alebtong district advised the government to properly train the beneficiaries on how to access the money, its utilisation, and repayment schedules.

He said in his parish, people are salivating over the money, thinking that when it is released, they will distribute among themselves and use it to purchase planting materials or inputs.

He said each and every household in the area have budgeted to buy maize, beans and soybean seeds to plant in this second season.

“Some of them have identified enterprises which is not surfacing anywhere in the parish development model like soybeans and millet,” Owiny said.

The speaker of Oyam district council, Nomi Okello said as the local government, they have already identified some of the gaps in the PDM implementation strategy.

“The communities, stakeholders, and political leaders are not well trained on how the PDM will work,” he said.

“Now you expect the communities to understand PDM when leaders themselves were not taken through in order to understand PDM,” he added.

He said just like the government introduced youth Livelihood geared towards fighting poverty and creating employment but later failed miserably.

“The failure of PDM will not be an excuse because as a country we would have learned from the previously failed programmes,” he explained.

James Onyanga, the LC1 of Amwak village in Omoro Subcounty, expressed concern over the limited knowledge and underfunding of the PDM.

He wondered why their parish [Baropiro] received only Shs 6mln yet they have registered 19 SACCOs eagerly waiting for Shs 100mln.

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