
Kiruhura district introduces cow dung tax to boost local revenue

Sanga Town Council Mayor, Safari Mugenyi praised the tax as a solution to longstanding challenges facing local government

KIRUHURA, October 2, 2024 – Authorities in Kiruhura district have introduced a cow dung tax in response to the growing demand for this type of manure locally and in neighboring districts known for cattle farming and banana cultivation.

The district’s Chief Administrative Officer, Charles Nsubuga Kiberu, issued a tax circular on animal waste, stating that the initiative aims to boost district revenue, which has consistently fallen short of projections in recent years.

The new tax structure imposes a levy ranging from Shs 10,000 for a one-ton truck to Shs 100,000 for a ten-ton truck. A canter carrying at least three tons will incur a fee of Shs 30,000, while a five-ton lorry will be taxed at Shs 50,000. Additionally, a seven-ton truck will pay a minimum of Shs 70,000.

Kiberu emphasised, “We’re not milking the system dry; we’re just tapping into a golden opportunity,” adding that farmers should contribute to the district’s development.

Wilson Kajwengye, Member of Parliament for Nyabushozi, urged farmers to consider their options: either sell the cow dung and pay the tax or use it in their gardens for food production. “Don’t let this valuable resource go to waste. You either pay the tax or apply the dung in your gardens,” he advised.

Sanga Town Council Mayor, Safari Mugenyi praised the tax as a solution to longstanding challenges facing local government. “We’ve been sitting on a goldmine, and now we’re reaping the rewards,” he stated.

Kiberu also pointed out that numerous trucks transporting cow dung out of the district are damaging roads and affecting local revenue. He has directed sub-county chiefs to implement the levy immediately. “This is therefore to require you to make use of it while implementing revenue collection,” Kiberu stated in the circular, which takes effect immediately.

Kiruhura is home to the largest cattle population in the country, with many residents considering their livestock a valuable asset. Last year, theCooperator magazine published an article advocating for a cow tax, suggesting that the Uganda Revenue Authority [URA] could levy a tax on cows sold.


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