Kikuube residents appeal for relief aid as heavy rains devastate homes, farms

KIKUUBE, May 16, 2024 – Over 400 residents from eight villages in Kyangwali Sub-county, Kikuube district are appealing for relief supplies after their crop gardens and homes were devastated by heavy rains that were accompanied by hailstorms.

The heavy rains hit the area recently, leaving several hectares of food crops destroyed in the farms. Some of the villages devasted by the hailstorms are Mandwiga, Wairaganza, Nyafunjo, Rwemiseke, and Kasungwa villages all in Kyangwali Sub-county.

The affected residents are now worried about being hit by famine since all the crops they had planted, such as maize, beans, sorghum, and bananas, were among those destroyed by the hailstorms.

Speaking to theCooperator News on Tuesday,  Bosco Sebasungu, one of the affected farmers  from Mandwiga village said he lost three  acres of maize and two acre  beans the hailstorms.

He explained that since their village was hit the environmental disaster, no district leaders, or technical staff have visited the area to assess the damage caused.

He noted that as farmers, they wrote to Kyangwali Sub-county authorities who but to date there has not been any help extended to them.

Sebasungu said that apart from relief support, the farmers are in need of seeds to plant again since the season is still on.

Allen Katarikawe, another affected farmer, said she lost a house, two acres of cassava, beans, and maize which were about to flower.

She noted that she is currently staying in a small kitchen with her four children, appealing to the authorities in the district to provide her with iron sheets and other construction materials so that she can put up a descent shelter.

Emmanuel Bisemeza, the Kyangwali Sub-county Chairperson said that destruction of people’s gardens has left the area leaders speechless, adding the area now stands to face hunger.

He noted that as sub-county leaders, they petitioned the Kikuube District Local Government to lobby for relief for the affected farmers but no response has come in yet.

He noted that the affected families need to be supported with food relief, and building materials. However he said they have informed the Office of the Prime Minister [OPM] to intervene.

On his part, Peter Banura, the Kikuube district LCV Chairperson, said the district leaders and technical staff are unable to move to affected villages to assess the damage because the district has no disaster funds. He said they are yet to appeal to OPM for help.

Kikuube district is prone to environmental catastrophes; last season over 100 families in the same district were left homeless after hailstorms hit the area, leaving several houses and plantations destroyed, with experts blaming such disasters to environmental degradation.

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