
Kikuube: Lands ministry to process 20,000 land titles for locals

The ministry officials led by team leader Joyce Nabasha were in the district days ago to sensitise leaders and introduce the contractor hired to implement the project.

KIKUUBE, August 6, 2024 – Government through the Lands ministry intends to process and issue 20,000 land titles to small landowners in Kikuube district.

The ministry officials led by team leader Joyce Nabasha were in the district days ago to sensitise leaders and introduce the contractor hired to implement the project.

Speaking during the meeting at Kikuube district headquarters, Nabasha said that the five-month project funded by the World Bank would be implemented by MESCIOGLU, a Turkish company.

The official noted that the beneficiaries of the project are the low-income earners who will pay Shs 85,000 to get the land titles.

She explained that the process would kick off with the demarcation of parish boundaries.

She also said road reserves would be demarcated before the processing of land titles for the locals can kick begin kicks. The district land board, area land committees, and village chairpersons are expected to participate in the exercise.

She urged leaders to sensitise the community to ensure that those with land disputes settle them before their land can be surveyed.

On his part, Kikuube district LCV Chairperson, Peter Banura commended the Lands ministry for the project, saying it will reduce land conflicts in the district but also lead to the development of the area as those with land titles will be able to engage in real estate development and commercial agriculture.

He urged local leaders to mobilise the locals to embrace the project and warned the same leaders against demanding money from the beneficiaries.

On his part, Amlan Tumusiime, the Resident District Commissioner [RDC] Kikuube also commended the Land ministry for initiating the project, saying most of the cases registered in his office are related to land.

He noted land conflicts are a source of insecurity, although he was optimistic that the planned land title issuance would restore peace in the district.

In the same vein, Florence Natumanya, the Kikuube district Woman Member of Parliament commended the Lands ministry for considering her district, saying the project to be implemented will curb land grabbing and illegal evictions.

She said the project offered a big chance for the local people to own land and challenged the beneficiaries to pay the money required to have their land titled.

Moses Karuhanga, Chairperson of Butimba West in Kidoma Parish Kiziranfumbi Sub-county, and beneficiary of the project commended the government, stating that the project protects the right to own land and make investments in it.

He noted that most of the residents have been living on land without land titles, giving a chance to land grabbers to register it fraudulently.

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