KIKUUBE, November 15, 2023 – The Kikuube Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Peter Bisoborwa has urged the district leaders and technical staff to double their efforts in providing service delivery.
Speaking during a budget conference for the financial year 2024/2025 held at the Viler Hotel in Kiziranfumbi town council days ago, Bisoborwa said citizens who pay taxes expect better services from leaders and public servants.
For instance, he noted that when roads are in poor conditions, farmers always find it difficult to access markets for their produce, hence limiting them to earn an income.
He added that improvement of the feeder roads and schools should be prioritised in the budget process since the sectors impact on the wellbeing of the local person.
“I implore you that whatever you do in the next financial should be geared towards the welfare of our people. Whatever you plan for should be geared towards the prosperity of our people. So the mantle goes to our mobilisers, councillors, parish chiefs and youth leaders. I implore you to mobilise and sensitise our masses on development,” he said.
Faustin Twesigye, the Kikuube District Planner said indicative figure for the financial year 2024/2025 budget would be Shs 29.5 billion as stipulated in the first budget call circular from the central government, but was hopeful that the figure will go up in the second budget call circular expected in February 2024.
He noted that education will take the lion’s share of Shs 13bln followed by the health sector which will take home Shs 10bln and the works sector which will have Shs 1.4bln.
He noted that the works sector has been boosted by the road fund of Shs 1bln which the government recently gave to each district to address the challenge of poor roads.
He noted that they expect to fund the budget from locally raised revenue, central government transfers and donation from development partners.
Peter Banura, the Kikuube district LCV chairman commended the stakeholders for embracing the budget conference and challenged them to always take keen interest in the budget process so that they identify priorities to be funded in the next financial year.
He noted that it’s during the budget conference that the stakeholders identify the priorities and challenges affecting service delivery.
He explanted that issues ranging from human resource, finances, governance and democracy, accountability and corruption need to be tackled because they affect service delivery when not addressed.
However he expressed concern over the recent budget cuts which he said has left most sectors especially works, education and community development affected.
He commended the development partners for the support they offered to the district in this financial year, and further urged the development partners to continue supporting the district.
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