
Kikuube district leaders relieved after extension of DRDIP project

KIKUUBE, January 12, 2024 – Kikuube district leaders are excited over the extension of the implementation period for the World Bank-funded Development Response to Displacement Impact Project [ DRDIP ].

Vincent Opio, the Kikuube district LCV Vice Chairman in an interview with this reporter said the implementation period for DRDIP expired at the end of December last year, causing fear among the district leaders that the unutilised would be taken back to the centre. The project was planned to run for five years.

However, Opio said district leaders expressed excitement last week after the Office of the Prime Minister [OPM] which supervises the US$ 500 million IDA loan project issued a communication indicating that the implementation period for all  DRDIP activities had been extended to six months.

He noted that the district had many projects which were going to be affected adding that the extension of the period will see the Kikuube district save over Shs 2 billion.

Opio the district is currently constructing Shs 2.26 billion district administration block, adding that by the time, the project implementation period expired, the district had only used up Shs 1bln while another Shs 1bln was at risk of being taken back.

He also said that project such as power extension at water project in  Wairangaza in Kyangwali Subcounty  at cost of Shs 120mln, construction of a drainage system at Nyawaiga Primary School at cost of Shs120mln and completion of Wairaganza Primary School  at a cost of Shs 500mln and Nkondo Primary school  have benefited from the extension of the project implementation period.

“I am happy to report that we have received a communication from OPM telling us that the implementation period for DRDIP)  has been extended to six months and this means that project will expire by the end of this financial year. The biggest project  we were worried about is the district headquarters whereby we had around Shs 1bln unabsorbed but we are going to use this time to use the money,” he said.

Peter Banura, the Kikuube district LCV Chairman said the six months’ extension is enough period for them to complete all activities under DRDIP.

“We are happy because if the time had not been extended the money would be taken back and the projects were going to stall but now we are sure that the projects we started are going to be completed to boost service delivery,” he said.

DRDIP, which follows the Community Development Driven [CDD] model in implementation and generation of projects, has four main components which include the following; social economic infrastructure development ; sustainable environment and natural resource management;  economic empowerment[through livelihood; and Project Management, Monitoring and evaluation.

Under component one, the district has cumulatively received a total funding of Shs about 17.38bln to finance sub projects such as rehabilitation and construction of schools, roads, and health facilities others.

Under component two, investment types have been funded in all the watersheds; tree planting, wetland restoration and demarcation, nursery bed establishment, institutional greening, small scale irrigation schemes, Energy saving cook stove, briquette making and solar lighting. Cumulatively a total of Shs about 6.75bln was received by the district for sub project implementation.

Under the second component Sub projects for wetland restoration and boundary demarcation, tree planting and cook stove making in the watersheds of Feta, Nyakabale, Kazirandindo, Buyanja, Kinakyeitaka and Kasonga in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement are ongoing. Cumulatively, 231 acres in the host and 105 acres in the refugee settlement have been planted with different tree species including Musiizi, Eucalyptus, Mahogany, Mackemia, Grevillea, Baboo, Codia, Pine and Fruit trees.

Under component three, investments are in form of grants for community interest groups, village revolving fund for existing groups in the villages. Cumulatively the district has received about Shs 4. 82bln to support sub project implementation under this component.

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