Kikuube district approves Shs 31bln budget for FY 2024/2025

KIKUUBE, May 31, 2024 - The Kikuube district council has approved a budget of Shs 31.2 billion for the financial year 2024/2025, up from sh29.6bln for the financial year [FY] 2023/2024.

The district Secretary for Finance Zuria Nyakahara presented the budget on Tuesday during the council meeting chaired by the district speaker Chris Nkalu.

According to Nyakahara, the lion's share of the budget which is Shs 12bln will go to education followed by health which will take   Shs 8.6bln, and administration Shs 2.8bln. She noted that the biggest percentage of this allocation will go to the staff's wages.

She said most of the budget is to be funded by central government transfers to the tune of Shs 27bln, local revenue Shs 1.5bln, external financing Shs 1.7bln and other government transfers will bring Shs 500 million adding that other government transfers have reduced from Shs 1bln to Shs 500mln.

According to her, the next financial year budget for the district has increased by Shs 5.4bln.

According to the District Planner, Faustin Twesigye, the increment is a result of the wage enhancement for health workers, science teachers, and other scientists in the current financial year 2023/2024.

Commenting on the budget, the Kikuube district LCV Chairperson, Peter Banura warned the technical staff who are the implementers of the budget against misallocation and embezzlement of public funds.

He said abuse of public funds affects effective service delivery, adding that there is a need for leaders and technical staff to work together to implement the planned activities.

“So my appeal to my fellow leaders, please let us carry our cross, let us go an extra mile to work together. No one works alone, when we work together, we can achieve a lot,” he added.

On his part, Speaker Nkalu underscored a need to sensitise the public about the importance of paying taxes, adding the local revenue collection of the district is reducing every financial year.

The district had planned to collect Shs 1.5bln in this ending financial year 2023, 2024 but only collected Shs 600mln.

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