Justice Buteera challenges prosecutors to own SACCO

MASINDI, December 6, 2023 – The Deputy Chief Justice, Richard Buteera has challenged prosecutors in Uganda to embrace and strengthen their own Prosecutors’ SACCO, saying it will improve their lives.
Buteera made the remarks on Friday during the annual general meeting [AGM] of Uganda Association of Prosecutors [UAP] which was held at Kabalega Resort Hotel in Masindi town.
The AGM was held under the theme, “The role of Prosecution in promoting sustainable development and and environmental conservation.”
Buteera urged UAP to members to empower themselves through saving groups like cooperatives. He gave reference to Uganda Judicial Officers Association SACCO where members can borrow up to Shs 150 million at a low rate of 0.5 percent. “Such will reduce financial pressures that you may encounter in your course of duty,” Buteera noted.
He further advised the prosecutors to embrace health living, adding that this can be achieved among others by pulling resources, and taking up medical insurance covers. “This will help you to access any medical facility in case of any ailments,” he added.
He also called upon the prosecutors to be at the forefront of protecting the environment, stating that the judicial officers play a vital role in environmental conservation through prosecuting wildlife crimes, and other related offences.
“Advocate for expeditious trial and disposal of wildlife, environmental offences and civil disputes,” he said.
The UAP President Immaculate Angutoko, called upon the prosecutors in the country to embrace their SACCO, saying it is meant to improve the welfare of the members.
“All of us should subscribe to the Prosecutors’ SACCO such that we easily have access to financial services. Apparently we have a challenge of financial sustainability but I am sure we can be able to make it if we are together,” she noted.
She further noted that as prosecutors, they need health insurance, noting that they have reached out to relevant stakeholders to help push the matter forward.
Jane Frances Abodo the Director of Public Prosecution [DPP] also encouraged the members to join the Prosecutors’ SACCO, saying President Museveni has given them some financial support.
“President Museveni has already given us Shs 250mln and we are still following up for more Shs 250mln. I encourage you to join the SACCO strengthen it and grow it. We can be supported only when we are in a SACCO,” explained Abodo.
During the AGM, prosecutors also raised challenges such as the poor relationship between them and some of the other judicial officers, missing records on the side of court, and some judges declining to preside over plea bargain cases, among others.
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