
India: First phase of co-op database to be ready next month

NEW DELHI-The process of making a National Cooperative Database and the first phase will be completed by December 2022, according to the Indian Cooperative.

The Ministry of Cooperation on its Twitter handle, it was reported, claimed that December would be the deadline for the first phase of data collection as data will be collected in two phases and the second phase will likely start from February 1, 2023.

It continued that: “The Ministry of Cooperation conducted a series of workshops/consultations with stakeholders to identify sector-specific parameters for data collection. Sector-specific data collection templates have been prepared based on the inputs received in these workshops/consultations.”

It was reported that in the first phase, basic data on the functional status of cooperatives in India will be collected.

However, according to the Indian Cooperative, the second phase of the process of building the database for cooperatives in India will start by February 1, 2023, after the analysis of the results of Phase I.

“In the second phase, detailed data on parameters related to operations of cooperatives, use of ICT, employment, economic activities, revenue and expenditure, assets and liabilities among others will be collected from the respective cooperatives.”

The data for both stages will be collected through web-based software application/web form.

The objective of developing the National Database on Indian cooperatives is to provide a single point of access to information on cooperatives of different sectors and develop a process for better understanding of cooperatives in that country.

“The proposed database may function as the main planning tool for central ministries, state governments, cooperative federations, cooperators and sectoral Institutions.”

Also, the database is envisaged to facilitate policy-making, improve governance and improve transparency. It may also help the cooperative sector for its better positioning in the business environment

The Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah, has in the past said the central government will monitor online health of cooperatives through the database.

Source: Indian Cooperative

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