ICA President wishes world happy 100th International Day of Cooperatives

KAMPALA– The President of the International Cooperative Alliance [ICA] Ariel Guarco in his 2022 #CoopsDay video message has wished the world a happy 100th International Day of Cooperatives. “We are making the 100th edition of the International Day of Cooperatives,” he said.
Tomorrow [Saturday 2nd] cooperatives all around the world will celebrate the 100th International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay). A decade on from the UN International Year of Cooperatives, which showcased the unique contribution of cooperatives to making the world a better place, this year’s #CoopsDay slogan –“Cooperatives Build a Better World”– echoes the theme of the International Year.
Guarco said: “In 2012, the United Nations declared that year serve as the International Year of Cooperatives, affirming that our enterprises build a better world. Today, a decade after that milestone, we reclaim that slogan and ratify our proposal to overcome the growing social, economic and environmental challenges that we face as humanity. Cooperatives always show that a different world is possible: A world with social justice, a world in harmony with nature, and a world in peace.”
For this reason, he said, “Dear cooperative members, let us celebrate this centenary edition of our day with certainty that day by day we are transforming our planet into a place where we can all live with dignity and where the future generations can too. Let’s continue on this path, Let’s keep cooperating with each other to build a better world together. Happy International Day of Cooperatives.”
He said ICA established the Day to show Cooperative Identity. “In 1923, the ICA established it [International Day of Cooperatives ] to proudly show our Cooperative Identity,” he said, stating that this year it is up to cooperators/cooperatives to be “protagonists of a historic edition of the International Day of Cooperatives.”
Guarco was recently re-elected president of ICA. He has been a cooperator since his youth, through his involvement in the Electric Cooperative of Coronel Pringles, in the southern part of Argentina.
He has been the President of the ICA member Cooperative Confederation of the Argentine Republic (COOPERAR) since 2011, and he was a Board member of Cooperatives of the Americas from 2014-2018. Mr. Guarco has been an ICA Board member since 2013 and was elected President of the ICA in November 2017.
Upon being re-elected he said: “I am humbled to be re-elected president of the ICA. In these four years, I have done my best to meet the commitments of my mandate and I will offer once again my commitment, my dedication, and my enthusiasm to move forward in a new chapter where we can crystallize new achievements.”
Tomorrow all roads in Uganda will lead to Sheema district to celebrate International Day of Cooperatives. Ankole Coffee Producers Cooperative Union [ACPCU] and Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Society Limited are the hosts of the celebrations expected to be graced by President Yoweri Museveni.
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