Hoima Catholic Diocese seeks Shs 40bln for children and women’s hospital

HOIMA– Hoima Catholic Diocese needs Shs 40 billion to construct a specialized hospital for children and women. The hospital if completed will help mitigate the maternal and childhood health challenges that the Bunyoro sub-region faces.
According to Father Davis Mugisa Musiime, the diocesan health coordinator who is spearheading the project, the idea to build the hospital was conceived following the recent national survey findings which indicated that Bunyoro region has the lowest number [44.5 percent] of mothers visiting health facilities for antenatal care.
Speaking to journalists on Monday in Hoima City, said the statistic above increases the risk of complicated birth and high neonatal death, adding that Bunyoro region has the third-highest infant mortality rate and the second-highest child stunting rates in the country standing at 12.5 percent.
“A specialised children and women’s hospital in the region will therefore significantly offer appropriate quality pediatric and maternal services that are accessible and affordable,” he said.
Mugisha said the facility would be utilized by all people, including the less privileged in society, “in order to further the healing ministry of Christ and promote life to the full,” explained Mugisa.
About the project
The hospital is to be built at a place adjacent to Bujumbura Health Centre III along Rwenkobe Road in Hoima city. The facility to occupy seven acres of land will have the pediatric wing, antenatal, gynecology wing, emergency, radiology, physiotherapy, operating theatres, intensive care unit, and laboratories.
Others are the AIDS clinic, maternity wards, surgical wings, private rooms on every ward, administration offices, conference rooms, cafeteria, and chaplaincy.
Delivering Rt. Rev. Bishop Vincent Kirabo’s message, Rev. Father Dominic Ndugwa the chancellor of Hoima Catholic Diocese noted that the hospital will be 100 percent owned by the diocese.
Bishop Kirabo in a speech read for him, called upon everyone to contribute toward the construction of the facility, saying it will offer holistic health care.
“We are doing this to uplift the standard of health care in the region. It [hospital] is going to be the first of this kind in the region. We call upon everyone to stand up and contribute generously since the hospital is going to serve everyone regardless of religious affiliations,” he said.
Father Jude Ssemambo, the chairperson publicity committee commended the people in the region for overwhelmingly supporting the project whose architectural design, he said, is already done.
He added that the hospital will provide quality health service delivery through specialized treatment of children and women focusing on; preventive, promotive, rehabilitative, curative, and palliative health services. It will also offer specific and appropriate maternal, child care, and emergency services relevant to the current demands.
The officials said President Yoweri Museveni is expected to grace the fundraising event in Hoima city slated for June 25, 2022, as the guest of honour.
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