
Govt to establish skilling centre in Lira City

LIRA – The Minister of Gender, Labour, and Social Development [MGLSD], Betty Amongi has said the government plans to establish a skilling centre in Lira City and support 200 vulnerable girls with startup capital.

Handing over a total of 200 sewing machines and salon equipment to the underprivileged girls at Mayor`s Garden in Lira City days ago, Amongi asked the city authorities to identify land for the project.

She said a number of youth in the country are now skilled and engaged in carpentry, welding, and tailoring among others but lack money for rent, and other expenses.

The minister said now is the right time for the people of Lango Sub-region to start reaping from  government projects.    

She said the sewing machines and salon equipment given to vulnerable girls are part of a government project Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises [GROW] Project being piloted in Mbarara, Tororo, and Lira City.

“This is a government programme and I was tasked to pilot it and later give a report to Cabinet which I will do after piloting ends,” she said.

The deputy executive secretary of the National Women`s Council, Emmy Akullo Omacara called upon the beneficiaries of the sewing machines and salon equipment to keep them safe and use them for the right purposes. She said GROW Project aims at enhancing women’s economic empowerment .

One of the girls who have benefited from the programme was excited that she had not only acquired hairdressing skills but also equipment to begin her own salon business. “I appreciate government for training us in different practical courses. “With my friends, we will open our own salon to provide services to the women in Lira City,” she said.

The five-year project is being funded by the World Bank to the tune of US$ 217 million [about Shs 802.9 billion]. The Gender ministry is the lead implementing agency partnering with Private Sector Foundation Uganda [PSFU].

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