KAMPALA– Global exports of green beans in June 2022 totalled 10.03 million bags, compared with 9.95mln bags in the same month of the previous year, up 0.8 percent, according to International Coffee Organisation [ ICO ].
However, the ICO Coffee Market Report July 2022, says despite the double-digit increase in June, for the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22, exports of green beans totalled 89.09mln bags, up only 0.1 percent as compared with 89.04mln bags for the same period in coffee year 2020/21.
Coffee exports from Africa decreased by 2.4 percent to 1.36mln bags in June 2022 from 1.39mln bags in June 2021. For the first nine months of the current coffee year, exports totalled 10.01mln bags as compared with 10.22mln bags in coffee year 2020/21.
“Uganda’s exports have continued to fall, decreasing by 14.6 percent in June 2022 and 5.4 percent in October 2021 to June 2022 as compared with the same period a year ago. Lower production stemming from droughts in some parts of the country’s coffee-growing regions also continues to explain the fall in Uganda’s coffee exports,” says the report.
Exports from Tanzania were down 2.3 percent in the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22 at 0.83mln bags as compared with 0.85mln bags for the same period last year. Over the same period, exports from Ethiopia increased 14.5 percent to 2.75mln bags from 2.4mln bags.
South America
According to ICO report, in October 2021 to June 2022, South America’s coffee exports decreased by 8.5 percent to 42.26mln bags. During this period, shipments from Brazil declined by 14.2 percent to 29.5mln bags from 34.4mln bags in October 2020 to June 2021. Continuing issues with availability of containers and shipping capacity, albeit with reported improvements in recent months, and a smaller crop harvested during its Arabica “off-season”, are the main reasons for the sharp fall.
The volume of exports from Colombia is down 1.6 percent for the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22 at 9.24mln bags, versus 9.4mln bags for the same period last year. “The fall in exports is linked to persistent unfavourable weather conditions reducing the available coffee supply in the country.”
Asia and Oceania
Coffee exports from Asia and Oceania increased by 9.4 percent to 3.61mln bags in June 2022, and by 17.3 percent to 34.38mlnn bags in the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22, says the report
“During these same periods, Vietnam’s exports increased by 12.9 percent to 2.36mln bags, and 20.0 percent to 22.77mln n bags, respectively,” the report adds.
India’s shipments were down 1.3 percent to 0.63mln bags in June 2022, but up 31.0 percent to 5.54mln bags in the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22. Exports from Indonesia increased by 15.8 percent to 0.52mln bags in June 2022 but were down 2.0 percent to 5.01mln bags in October 2021 to June 2022.
Mexico and Central America
In June 2022, exports of all forms of coffee from Mexico and Central America were down 16.9 percent to 1.81mlnbags as compared with 2.18mln in June 2021, the report says.
“For the first nine months of the current coffee year, exports are down 3.7 percent, totalling 12.12mln bags as compared with 12.58mln bags in October 2020 to June 2021.”
According to the report, the region’s sharp downturn in June was due to the 33.5 percent fall in exports from Honduras, the largest exporter of the region, which shipped 0.52mln bags in June 2022 as compared with 0.78mln bags in June 2021. For the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22, Honduras exported 3.85mln bags, down 15.5 percent from 4.56mln bags in the same period in coffee year 2020/21.
Less rainfall during the bean-filling period across a number of growing regions, a high incidence of rust disease as a result of hurricanes Eta and Iota in 2020, and stumping following an earlier outbreak of rust disease in 2012 led renewal that reached peak production between the 2018/2020 harvests, hence the country’s coffee supply continues to negatively affect exports from Honduras.
Soluble coffee
Total exports of soluble coffee increased by 7.6 percent in June 2022 to 1.01mln bags versus 0.94mln bags in June 2021. In the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22, a total of 9.05mln bags of soluble coffee were exported, representing an increase of 4.3 percent from the 8.68mln bags exported in the same period during the previous coffee year.
The share of soluble coffee within the total exports of all forms of coffee was 10.0 percent [measured on a moving 12-month average] in June 2022, the same as in June 2021. Brazil is the largest exporter of soluble coffee, shipping 2.96mln bags in the first nine months of coffee year 2021/22, followed by India with 1.6mln bags. Indonesia takes third place with 1.25mln bags exported over the same period.
Roasted beans
Exports of roasted beans decreased by 11.2 percent in June 2022 to 72,472 bags, down from 81,610 bags in June 2021.
ICO in its latest provisional outlook for total production in coffee year 2021/22 says it remains unchanged at 167.2 million bags, a 2.1 percent decrease as compared to 170.83mln bags of the previous coffee year.
“World coffee consumption is still projected to grow by 3.3 percent, to 170.3mln 60-kg bags in 2021/22 as compared to 164.9mln for coffee year 2020/21. In 2021/22, consumption is expected to exceed production by 3.1mln bags,” ICO report says.
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