
LIVE UPDATES: The 3rd I.K Musazi Memorial Lecture, From the Ivory Tower to the people: A challenge to Uganda’s intelligentsia today

The 3rd I.K Musazi Memorial Lecture

The 3rd I.K Musazi Memorial Lecture is here again, richer and better. Purposed to influence mindset change by emulating the works of a true statesman, the lecture this year has been prepared to speak to all the intelligentsia in Uganda.

A clear force to reckon with, I.K Musazi remains one of the most valiant citizen Uganda has seen in history. I.K Musazi wore several hats from being a husband, father, teacher, seminarian and a cooperator.

As true intelligentsia, he set the pace from which we will revise today and hopeful go back to the drawing board.

With his actions, I.K Musazi proved to us that it is possible to be at the prime of your corporate ladder and still work with the community.

The Lecture is taking place now at Makerere University Main Hall from 2:00p.m-5:00p.m. The general public is invited to attend the lecture that we hope will reignite our concern for the community.

Prof. Patrick Ndebesa giving a Key Note speech

‘Musazi transcended tribalism when he went to organise farmers out of Buganda in Teso,lango ,acholi…” Prof.Patrick Ndebesa Mwambutsya

The intelligentsia should walk in the footsteps of Musazi,commit class suicide” Prof. Patrick Ndebesa

Members of the intelligentsia have potential they should transcend and shun tribalism and parochialism

Those who are in the East African Parliament should look at the cooperative model and adopt it. Private sector is selfish,profit oriented and not citizen oriented

“The cooperative model will create East African integration better than even the business model” Prof.Patrick Ndebesa

Our lives begin to end the moment we keep silent on things that matter” Martin Luther King Jr

The system is not broken it was created that way. It is delivering what it was designed to deliver. Hon. Irene Odida Ovonji

Hon. Irene Odida Ovonji

Where does the state come in in protecting workers,the low cadre workers???

How do cooperatives ensure that you continue to protect your structures when you set them up

“When you talk truth to power you are considered uncultured, ” Hon. Irene Odida Ovonji

Change accountabilities in this country so that leaders are the ones accountable -Hon.Irene Odida Ovonji

Mr. Simbwa Kayunga deliberating on the Coop movement

Without political capture, forget about economic power

It is full house at Makerere University main hall for the 3rd IK Musazi Memorial lecture
Deputy prime minister Ali Kirunda Kivejinja arriving for the 3rd IK Musazi Memorial Lecture
Deputy prime minister Ali Kirunda Kivejinja arriving for the 3rd IK Musazi Memorial Lecture

Deputy prime minister Ali Kirunda Kivejinja arriving for the 3rd IK Musazi Memorial Lecture received by Uhuru Institute Operations director Jane Amuge Okello

Elizabeth Musazi giving a message from the family of IK Musazi
Elizabeth Musazi giving a message from the family of IK Musazi

Ms. Elizabeth Musazi giving a message from the family of IK Musazi

Ignatius Kangave Musaazi, whose body lies at the heroes’ corner of Kololo Independence grounds, is an icon of Uganda’s political history and independence struggle

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