Fishermen given ultimatum to register their boats

Fred Byamukma, State Minister for Works and Transport [Transport] said that the process of registering the water vessels on different lakes in the country kicked off recently.

BULIISA, July 26, 2024 The Ministry of Works and Transport has given fishermen on Lake Albert and other lakes in the country a three–month ultimatum to register their fishing boats, saying it is meant to pay the way for smooth operations.

Speaking in an interview with this reporter on Saturday at Biiso Primary School, Fred Byamukma, State Minister for Works and Transport [Transport] said that the process of registering the water vessels on different lakes in the country kicked off recently.

Byamukma who is also a Member of Parliament Bugangaizi West said the registration exercise is aimed at establishing the number of fishing, and passenger boats operating on the lakes.

He noted that the Works ministry has no data on fishing, and passenger boats on the lakes, adding that the fishermen have a habit of using fishing boats to transport people across lakes, something he said contributes to accidents.

Byamukama added that after the registration, his ministry will provide route charts which will help the Ministry to regulate the fishermen and those operating passenger boats on different waterbodies.

He added that after the registration of the vessels the Ministry will install communication devices on all these boats, having already set up search and rescue centers at Entebbe to help to locate those who get involved in accidents on the waterbodies.

He said those who fail to register their vessels as ordered will be arrested and be forced to register, adding that not body in the months of August and September will be allowed to operate without wearing a life jacket.

He said Marine Police have been ordered to be on the look out for fishermen and others who operate on the lakes without life jackets.

Interviewed for this story, Allan Atugonza, the Buliisa County Members of Parliament welcomed the move by the Works ministry to register boats, saying that fishermen operate on several lakes without life jackets, risking their lives.

He added that there are several unregulated landing sites on Lake Albert, adding that the registration of the fishermen and their vessels will address some of the challenges.

In the same vein, Baker Ogen, a fisherman and Chairman LCI of Rwetale landing site  in Buseruka Sub-county Hoima district  welcomed the idea of registering the vessels adding that it will help to create sanity on Lake Albert.

On the issue of acquiring life jackets Ogen said many of the fishermen have no money to buy the materials, adding many of the fishermen have lost lives due to lack of life jackets, asking government to provide the life savers at a cheap price.

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