
Farmers count losses after hailstorms destroy crops in Serere

SERERE, September 25, 2024 – Farmers in Serere district in eastern Uganda are reeling from the impact of recent hailstorms that devastated over 1,500 acres of crops last weekend.

The storms struck Serere’s Kadungulu Subcounty, destroying immature cassava, millet, simsim, potatoes, and maize, leaving local farmers in shock. The hardest-hit villages include Okulukulun, Agule, Otirono, and Ajesa.

Stephen Ilakut, one of the affected farmers, expressed his despair: “The destruction of our crop gardens means this season will end without any harvest. I foresee hunger in the area.”

Nicolas Otim, another impacted farmer, highlighted the broader consequences, saying that, “Without food at home, children are unlikely to attend school.”

Kokas Awelu, the Agule LCI Chairperson, called on the government to provide relief food, noting that crops belonging to approximately 150 households were destroyed.

Peter Agwelu, the LCI Chairperson of Okulukulun, added that the hailstorms left no food crops safe, affecting 304 families in the area.


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