AgricultureCooperatives & CommunitiesEast AfricaEnergy & Mining

ERG Africa’s programme in DRC helps farmers to harvest over 500 tonnes of maize

GOMA, September 22, 2023 – Mining company, Eurasian Resources Group [ERG Africa], through its Chawama community agricultural programme at Frontier mine, has helped farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo [ DRC ] to harvest 513 tonnes of maize.

To realise the maize yields came from the 114 hectares of arable land managed by a cooperative of 40 farmers from the Kimfumpa, Kabumba and Kaloko villages in the vicinity of ERG Africa’s Frontier mine.

Sergei Verbitckii, ERG Africa’s Acting CEO, commented on the harvest saying, “The Chawama community agricultural programme illustrates ERG Africa’s commitment to improving livelihoods and fostering long-term sustainable development in the DRC. By supporting the government’s food security policy, we aim to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of the communities alongside which we operate.”

Chawama, a commercialised and growing agricultural initiative, has the primary goal of empowering communities to harness the land’s potential to provide farmers with a sustainable income and food security. Apart from personal consumption, the farmers generate an income by processing their produce with the Mwabombeni milling cooperative [another Frontier initiative] to produce mealie meal and stock feed. Mwabombeni then sells the products to the open market, while Frontier purchases some of the mealie meal to supply its catering needs and as part of its employee incentive programme.

Frontier plays a pivotal role in the success of the Chawama programme by providing farmers with essential inputs such as seeds, fertiliser, and equipment. Additionally, the cooperative receives ongoing technical training to enhance crop yield.

“Mining is a key contributor to the economic growth of the DRC, but to ensure long-term socio-economic benefits for our local communities, ERG Africa partners with its communities to ensure they reap the maximum benefit from the projects outlined in their Community Development Plan Agreements [Cahier des Charges]. It is the joint commitment of the farmers and Frontier that has led to Chawama’s success and its subsequent expansion to include an additional five villages for the next planting season,” adds Verbitckii.

In 2023, Frontier’s agriculture programme also increased in scope to include papaya and watermelon farming to augment the production of maize. The pilot field currently covers four hectares comprises more than 1,600 plants, with plans to expand to an estimated 193 hectares of fruit and vegetables, and 255 hectares of beans by 2026, involving and benefitting an additional 330 households.

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