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Emyooga programme has helped to reduce crime – Tororo leaders

The ultimate objective of the Emyooga Programme is to facilitate the socio-economic transformation of households from subsistence to the money economy and market-oriented production.

TORORO, June 23, 2024 - The crime rate in Tororo district has decreased due to the Emyooga programme, the district leaders say.

They said the programme which has provided seed capital to many youth in the district has enabled them to engage in income-generating activities.

The Tororo Deputy Resident District Commissioner [RDC], Albert Amula, cited the youth's zeal to create their own jobs as a factor in reducing idleness.

"The youth have benefited from this programme and the crime rate has reduced in the district. The reduction of crime rate has been attributed to the various government poverty alleviation programmes such as Emyooga, Parish Development Model [PDM] among others,” he said.

He made the remarks on Friday while evaluating the progress of the programme in the district. Amula urged political leaders in the district to unite in advocating for wealth creation, which he said will foster a crime-free society.

"It's high time leaders preached the gospel of wealth creation wherever we get an opportunity so that people can transform from the subsistence economy into the money economy. This will also go a long way in improving on their livelihoods and contribute to creating a crime-free society,” he said.

Bernard Ouma, a youth leader in the district, said that due to the seed capital provided through Emyooga, insecurity in the area has reduced. "Youth are now engaged in income-generating activities. We have seen a reduction in insecurity,” he said.

Robert Sakwa, Chairperson of Salon Operators Emyooga SACCO said that with seed capital received under Emyooga programme they were able to accumulate funds and establish a hairdressing school. "We have graduated 47 students, mostly youth, all of whom have secured employment," he said.

On his part, Joseph Tukamushaba, Head of Emyooga Secretariat, said they want to build strong community based financial institutions to provide cheap financial services to the locals.

The State Minister for Microfinance, Haruna Kasolo urged Emyooga beneficiaries in the district to work hard so that they become wealth creators. "The person who earns money every day, is richer than a person who earns monthly," he said.

He also implored beneficiaries to start saving everyday, stating that the more they save money, the more they develop.

The ultimate objective of the Emyooga Programme is to facilitate the socio-economic transformation of households from subsistence to the money economy and market-oriented production. Other objectives include increase in employment opportunities.

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