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Dokolo: PDM SACCO leaders kicked out of office over extortion allegations

The election of the new board took place this week under the supervision of the Resident District Commissioner [RDC], Babara Akech

DOKOLO, August 23, 2024 — The board members of Adeknino PDM SACCO in Adeknino Subcounty, Dokolo district, have been ousted from their positions following allegations of extortion from potential beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model [PDM]. This government initiative aims to alleviate poverty among the active poor in Uganda.

The previous board, led by Tom Ayang, has been replaced by a new team headed by Andrew Awany as the Chairman. The new board members are: Petolina Atim [Vice Chairperson], Richard Ojok [Secretary], Evaline Amule [Finance Secretary], Patrick Moli [Public Relations Officer], and Geoffrey Oculu [Loan Officer].

The election of the new board took place this week under the supervision of the Resident District Commissioner [RDC], Babara Akech. According to Akech, beneficiaries were being asked to pay Shs 50,000 to receive their share of the programme’s funds and Shs 5,000 to profile their enterprises, actions that violate the programme’s guidelines.

Akech has committed to fighting corruption in the implementation of the PDM in Dokolo district , emphasining that the programme is intended to help the active poor improve their livelihoods. “People were being asked to pay money before receiving funds, but this will no longer happen while I am still the RDC of Dokolo,” Akech stated.

Moses Ogwal Owiny, the LC3 Chairperson of Adeknino Subcounty, expressed optimism that the new board will expedite the disbursement of PDM funds to beneficiaries. “We want all eligible beneficiaries to receive support and advance themselves by combating poverty. The previous board was removed due to corruption and sabotage of the government programme,” he said.

Felix Araca, a 60-year-old resident of Adeknino Subcounty, shared his experience of being asked to pay for PDM benefits by the former board. He expressed hope that the new leadership will serve the community better. “I have filled out this PDM form many times without receiving any funds. I am glad we now have new leaders who will serve us without asking for money,” he said.

Nancy Alilo, a resident of Komora village in Adeknino Subcounty, mentioned that she had given up on obtaining PDM funds due to the corruption of the former SACCO leaders, despite being registered as eligible.

Elvis Odur, the Adeknino Community Development Officer, urged the newly elected PDM SACCO leaders to avoid corruption, saying that it hampers service delivery and perpetuates poverty.

He emphasised the importance of including all eligible individuals, especially those with disabilities, in the list of beneficiaries. “Ensure that all eligible people, including those with disabilities, the elderly, women, and youth, receive the funds as intended,” said Odur.

The PDM, launched in 2022, aims to transition 3.5 million households from subsistence to a more productive economy. Each financial year, the government allocates approximately Shs 1 trillion to the programme, with each parish in Uganda receiving Shs 100mln in revolving funds for enterprise groups. Each beneficiary receives Shs 1mln to invest in enterprises such as dairy farming, piggery, fish farming, and poultry keeping, with the funds to be repaid to the revolving fund after a two-year grace period.


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