
Cooperative Movement Mourns Death of Past President of ICA–Africa

The Cooperative Movement is disheartened by the death of Mr. Stanley Charles Muchiri, the immediate past President of the International Cooperative Alliance – Africa (ICA-Africa).

Mr. Muchiri died in Abuja, Nigeria, on 6 October 2018, after attending the 12th African Ministerial Cooperative Conference and 13th Regional Assembly for ICA-Africa. Three days prior to his death, he had retired from the position.

Mr. Muchiri served ICA-Africa as President from 2004 – 2018. During his tenure, he successfully promoted unity and strength, in addressing new challenges facing Africa.

ICA-Africa eulogises Mr. Muchiri as an illustrious cooperator who served ICA-Africa for 14 years.

ICA President, Mr. Japheth Magomere, said,

“As we celebrate the life of a hero, the Alliance Africa extends heartfelt sympathy to the family and friends of the late Mr. Stanley Charles Muchiri. We join the family and friends in mourning a departed cooperator icon in Africa.”

ICA-Africa is one of the four regional offices of The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) that serves, unites and represents Alliance member organisations in Africa, by promoting and strengthening autonomous and viable co-operatives through capacity building and policy advocacy for the socio-economic benefit of its members.

ICA is a non-governmental Co-operative Federation representing the Co-operative Movement worldwide.


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