Cassava farmers to bake bread and cakes

LIRA – A total of 400 cassava farmers in the Lango Sub-region are to be trained in baking cassava bread and cakes, among other snacks, in a move expected to boost household incomes.

The chief executive officer of Divine Organic Foods, Noela Ojara said the training is aimed at giving the cassava producers hands-on skills for value addition, which will bring more income to households.

She said 16 groups have been formed in the districts of Lira, Dokolo, Apac, and Kwania, with each district having 25 members to be trained in baking cassava bread and snacks/cakes.   

The training of the cassava farmers will be supported by Strengthening Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Ecosystem, for Inclusive Rural Transformation and Livelihood in Eastern Africa [AIRTEA], it targets to increase cassava production in the Lango Sub-region.

NARO officials training cassava farmers in Lira district recently (Photo by Geoffrey Onyanga).

Divine Organic Foods, an agribusiness company based in Lira City and the National Agricultural Research Organisation [NARO] are the lead implementers of the project also aimed at fighting household poverty.

The Euro 300,000 project is also being implemented in three East African countries, Kenya, and Rwanda, with Nairobi University being the lead partner.

Ojara said they expect cassava farmers, especially women and youth to benefit from the project that also encourages saving and investment.

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