Bunyoro businesswomen urged to embrace GROW project 

HOIMA, May 11, 2024 – Prudence Akatukwatsa, a gender specialist in the Ministry of Gender, Labour Social Development has [MGLSD] has advised women entrepreneurs in Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom to embrace Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprise [GROW] project to be able to grow their enterprises.

GROW Project which is funded through a US$ 217 million grant from the World Bank is to increase access to entrepreneurial services that enable women entrepreneurs to grow their enterprises in targeted locations, including host and refugee communities

According to Akatukwatsa women to get organised to benefit from the project, adding that the project would help women with small businesses to move into the money economy.

Speaking during the sensitisation meeting which attracted over 150 women entrepreneurs in Hoima City last Thursday, Akatukwatsa noted that GROW project is an addition to other projects like Emyooga, Parish Development Model [PDM] and Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme [UWEP] initiated to empower Ugandans.

She said GROW project aims to help women-led businesses from micro to small and medium enterprises [SMEs].

She noted women are good at doing business but lack important skills and finances to sustain the business. However, with some training ongoing, there is hope the project will empower women in business management.

She noted that it is always difficult for women entrepreneurs to access financial support from commercial banks as they have no collateral.

The sensitisation meeting was aimed at empowering businesswomen with financial management skills including record-keeping, and many others.

Jovia Katusabe, a businesswoman in Hoima East Division expressed excitement about the benefits of the project, saying she intends to use the funds from the project to grow her textile venture.

The Mayor Hoima City, Brian Kaboyo urged the project’s beneficiaries to put the funds to good use and pay back, further noting that government has in the past put money into different projects to fight poverty but less success has been achieved.

However, he was optimistic that GROW project would help many women who have been struggling to capitalise their businesses.

Monday Magrete, the Hoima City Female Councillor for Central Ward challenged fellow leaders in the city to mobilise the women with small businesses to embrace the project, saying it has come at the right time when women need to expand their enterprises.


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