East Africa

Boresha SACCO told to gear up for Hustler Fund as Tower SACCO gets new director

NAIROBI- Baringo County’s cooperative officer David Maina has advised Boresha SACCO members to organise themselves if they are to benefit from Hustler Fund’s second phase, according to the local media outlets.

Maina said it is time for the SACCO members to begin income generating activities that will help them repay the low interest loans offered by the Fund launched after President William Ruto won a recent presidential election in Kenya promising to uplift incomes of citizens in the informal sector.

Presiding over one of the SACCO’s educational meetings days go, Maina said the SACCO was compliant to the rules of access to the Fund operated by Kenya’s Ministry of Ministry of Co-operatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises [MSME] Development.

The officer lauded Boresha SACCO for leveraging technology to serve its members.

Tower SACCO gets new director

Meanwhile, Patrick Thogo was days ago elected the new director of Tower SACCO in a competitive election carried out at Olkalou Primary School in Nyandarua County, local news agencies in Kenya say.

Patrick Thogo was elected the new Director of Tower SACCO (Internet photo).

Thogo emerged winner with 222 votes against his close competitor James Mwangi who got 219 votes.

According to the local media, Thogo lauded everyone who participated in the voting process but also commended his competitor Mwangi for serving the SACCO diligently for 26 years.

He promised to embark on the mass recruitment of members, saying it will boost the SACCO’s capital base.

“I want to thank our former Director Mr. Mwangi for his contributions to the SACCO. He did a tremendous job and I promise to follow his footsteps to achieve more for the benefit of our SACCO,” Thogo was quoted by Sacco Review as saying.

He promised to rectify rules governing elections to enable many members to participate in the democratic process.

He also pledged he would assist many members to get loans from the SACCO to spearhead their personal development projects.

On the other hand, Mwangi congratulated Thogo on his victory, pledging his support to him.

“I want to congratulate my brother Mr. Thogo for winning this election and I wish him well in his new responsibility as the Director of Tower SACCO,” he said.

Mwangi thanked the SACCO members for according him an opportunity to serve them in Tower SACCO.

“I joined Tower SACCO when its capital base was Ksh 400 million 26 years ago and currently it has increased to Ksh 20 billion,” he said.


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