
Bishop Kahuma urges youth to be job creators

HOIMA-The Bunyoro Kitara diocese, Rt. Rv. Samuel Kahuma has advised the youth to be Job creators rather than job seekers, saying the youth will continue to be unemployed if they resort to looking for white-collar jobs only.

In his New Year message which he delivered during a church service at St Peter’s Cathedral on Sunday morning, Kahuma said most of the youth were energetic but do not want to work.

He warned the youth against the act of gambling and challenged them to embrace hard work and be innovative to create their own jobs instead of jobs.

He noted that much as the Bible demands that those who do not want to work should not eat, some people want to eat without working to bring food to the table.

He noted that farming, poultry keeping, and piggery are some of the income-generating activities that the youth can engage in to improve their lives.

Kahuma also challenged parents to prioritise the education of their children in preparation for their future, adding that education is the only key to the development of any society.

Meanwhile, the Bishop urged Christians in Bunyoro-Kitara Diocese to embrace forgiveness and reconciliation and advocate for peace and unity.

Meanwhile, Minister for finance for Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom Robert Owagonza also underscored the need for the people of Bunyoro to embrace hard work in the year 2023.

He challenged Kingdom’s subjects to save for future investment instead of spending their resources extravagantly.

He urged the locals to desist from overconsumption of alcohol. He urged men to stop marrying many women after getting money, saying that polygamy keeps some members of society in poverty.

Owagonza who is also the head of laity Bunyoro Kitara diocese noted that there is a need for the Christians and entire Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom to embrace government poverty alleviation programmes such as Operation Wealth Creation, Emyooga, and the Parish Development Model [PDM].

He noted that the level of poverty in the Bunyoro region is still high because many people, mostly the youth, do not want to work and yet they want to eat.

He said that the current economic situation has left many people living miserable lives, adding that people should focus on activities that generate their families income.

He encouraged the farmers to embrace coffee growing, adding that the crop can easily be managed without investing a lot of money in the project.

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