Annual coffee exports earn Uganda US$ 958.6mln

KAMPALA, DECEMBER 20, 2023 – Uganda’s coffee exports for the twelve months [December 2022- November 2023] totaled 6.13 million fetching the country about US$ 958.6mln compared to 5.8mln bags worth US$ 883.3mln in the previous period (December 2021-November 2022), according to Uganda Coffee Development Authority [UCDA].
“This represents an increase of 6 percent and 9 percent in quantity and value respectively,” says UCDA in its monthly report for November 2023.
Meanwhile, coffee exports in November 2023, amounted to 425,526 60-kilo bags, worth about US$ 70.7mln. According to UCDA, this was a decrease of 4.8percent in quantity and an increase of 10.11 in value compared to the same month last year.
“The monthly coffee exports performance was lower than the previous year which was seen in Robusta exports. This was partly on account of the harvest season that has delayed due to the rains that also delayed drying of the newly harvested coffee.”
Uganda’s coffee exports are projected to be 500,000 bags as the harvesting of the main crop north of the equator and the fly crop in South-western and Greater Masaka has peaked. The country grows both Arabica and Robusta coffee types, although the country is the birthplace of Robusta coffee.
Unlike Arabica coffee, which varieties are known to have been introduced to Uganda for commercial purposes, Robusta coffee was found naturally growing in the forests in the Lake Victoria crescent.
World coffee production for 2023/24 is forecast to reach 174.3mln bags, 4.3mln bags higher than the previous year, with higher output in Brazil and Vietnam expected to more than offset reduced production in Indonesia.
On the other hand, global exports are expected to increase by 5.8mln bags to a record 122.2mln bags, higher than 116.4mln bags the previous year, primarily on strong shipments from Brazil. Global consumption is forecast at 170.2mln bags, with the largest increase in the European Union, the United States of America and Brazil. Ending stocks are expected to be 31.8mln bags.
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