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Amuru Traders Resort To Other Transport Means

AMURU – After closing Elegu border in Amuru district, traders have resorted to ferrying produce using wheelbarrows and boda- boda to reach out to their customers in the neighboring Nimule Market in South Sudan.

Elegu is at the border of Uganda and South Sudan and the population depends on produce from Uganda.

Ayot Margret, the Chairperson Fresh Food Cooperative Society said now the business has dwindled since most of the customers are in South Sudan.

“We have now resorted to usage of wheelbarrows and motorcycles so that the food reaches our clients,” she said.

Unfortunately, we did not know that another wave was going to strike so we did not pick the contacts of the customers making it hard to reach out to them even with wheelbarrows and motorcycles.

Agnes Chemongesi who deals in fruits wondered why cargo trucks were given a green light to move yet what is being delivered cannot reach the consumer.

“We are losing our businesses on a daily basis, what we have cannot be consumed just because the consumer is not allowed to cross here and even us, we cannot reach the consumer,” she said.

The traders deal majorly in fruits, vegetables, cassava and matooke.

Ocheng Orsborn, the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) told theCooperator that, failure by the traders to adhere to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) has led to stopping them from getting Nimule Market.

“The traders have failed to observe SOPs that is why we cannot allow them to get to Nimule Market to sell what they have. Our counterparts in South Sudan have also failed to heed to the Ministry of Health guidelines of testing before getting into Uganda,” Ochieng said.

They should cooperate so that we see a way to limit new infections from getting into the country and the fight is on.

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