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Bugisu Coop Union Founder to be remembered

The family of the late EV Samson Kitutu, one of Uganda’s first Cooperators and a founding father of the Bugisu Cooperative Union (BCU), is planning to host a Public Memorial Day in remembrance of his contribution to improving the lot of farmers in Uganda.

BCU is one of Uganda’s oldest cooperatives, tracing its roots to 1931 when several prominent farmers from Bugisu came together to form it in order to break the monopoly of Asian and European traders that had locked out local farmers from sale of their own produce internationally. 

Among its founding members was Samson Kitutu, together with several other prominent coffee farmers from the region.

Over time, BCU has grown into a formidable Cooperative Union boasting thousands of members and wielding substantial social and political clout. The Union, which is highly revered in Uganda’s Cooperative space, has broken new ground for cooperatives in many fields.  

Most recently, late last year, BCU became the first cooperative in Uganda to set up a radio station. The station, which broadcasts primarily in Lumasaba (the local dialect) has for its listenership mostly locals of Masabaland, who make up a substantial part of BCU’s membership.

Michael Wangusa, a grandson to Kitutu, told theCooperator that the event is meant to raise awareness about this outstanding figure in Uganda’s cooperative movement. 

“Many  people know nothing about the contribution of this Ugandan who propelled the country to form cooperative unions such as Teso Cooperative, Busoga Cooperative Union, Ankole and Lango Cooperative Union to mention but a few,” he said.

Wangusa says that various activities are being organised to commemorate the proposed Kitutu Memorial day.

“We shall also have a lecture to remind Ugandans on the contribution of this great man, and of the coffee sector as a whole, to the economy of Uganda.”

A broad cross section of individuals from different walks of life will be invited to participate in the event. 


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