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Kwania NRM leaders warned against politicising PDM

Each of the PDM beneficiaries in Uganda gets Shs 1 million loan from the parish revolving fund to begin income generating projects such as coffee growing, fish farming, piggery, poultry keeping, fruit growing, and general trade in the agricultural value chain, among others

KWANIA, September 8, 2024 – The Kwania Resident District Commissioner, Richard Arikwanga Noon has warned leaders of the ruling National Resistance Movement [NRM] in Kwania to stop politicising the government programmes, especially the Parish Development Model [PDM].

While appearing on 91.8 Atedero F.M talkshow programme recently, based in Kwania district, RDC Arikwanga said PDM is a government programme intended to lift all households out of poverty irrespective of the political affiliations of the targeted members.

“I have traversed the entire district monitoring the implementation of the PDM and other government programmes but it has come to my notice that some of the NRM leaders want the PDM monies to be given to only NRM supporters. This is wrong because the PDM is meant for all the households irrespective of the political, tribal or religious differences,” he said.

Arikwanga said Kwania district was ranked among the best-performing districts in the country in the disbursement of the PDM funds due to teamwork.

“Local Government Performance Report for 2024/2025 Financial Year puts Kwania number 13 from the 149 in the previous Financial Year as a result of team work. I hear some of the NRM leaders are saying I am working for Uganda People’s Congress [UPC]. This is not true; I am working with everybody because we need to co-exist for effective service delivery,” he said.

Adding that, “I was posted to Kwania three years ago after Canon Ogwang Odyero and Salim Komakech. When I came here mine was holistic approach. I made sure I had good interpersonal relationship with the CAO, the LCV Chairman and everybody because I cannot work in isolation.”

James Okol, Kwania District Youth Male Councilor rallied the PDM beneficiaries to embrace the programme launched in February 2022.

“For those who have already received the money I request you to put the money to good use. NRM government has brought a number of poverty alleviation programmes like the Emyooga, the Youth Livelihood Programme [YLP], and Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme [UWEP] please make the best use of the programmes and vote for NRM in the 2026 general elections,” he said.

Oh her part, Catharine Akello Kwania District Principal Commercial Officer warned the PDM SACCO leaders, Parish Development Officers and the Parish Chiefs against role conflicts.

“From the effect of next year, the Parish Chiefs shall receive Shs 500, 000 for operation so no more collection of money from the PDM beneficiaries and we not warn more conflicts in the SACCO everyone should play his or her roles to develop the SACCO,” she said.

In the 2024/2025 financial year, Kwania district which has 49 PDM SACCOs, received Shs 4.9 billion PDM fund. By September 4, 2024 the district had already disbursed Shs 147mln to 47 PDM SACCOS, pending disbursement to Apolika, and Ojokdot PDM SACCOS, according to records obtained from Kwania Production Department.

Each of the PDM beneficiaries in Uganda gets Shs 1 million loan from the parish revolving fund to begin income generating projects such as coffee growing, fish farming, piggery, poultry keeping, fruit growing, and general trade in the agricultural value chain, among others.


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