PAP and ICA-Africa teams meet to discuss proposed draft Model Law on Cooperatives in Africa
MASERU, June 5, 2024 – A significant step towards strengthening cooperative societies in Africa was marked by a recent meeting between technical teams from the Pan-African Parliament [ PAP ] and the International Cooperative Alliance-Africa [ICA-Africa].
Held in Maseru , Lesotho, recently, the meeting aimed to finalise the draft Model Law on Cooperative Societies for Africa by incorporating stakeholder inputs to ensure it reflects the needs and aspirations of the African people. The refined draft is set to be presented to the PAP Committee on Finance and Monetary Affairs.
The PAP and ICA-Africa have been diligently working on this draft model law, a process that saw its initial draft presented during the 2nd Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament of PAP in June 2023. The first reading led to a resolution that the draft needed further refinement before proceeding to a second reading.
As part of the ongoing efforts to improve the draft, a consultative meeting was organized from August 29-30, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya. This meeting brought together various stakeholders who reviewed the proposed draft model law, providing crucial inputs aimed at enhancing its comprehensiveness and relevance.
Over the two-day consultation in Nairobi, discussions covered all sections of the draft Model Law. Participants made several valuable proposals and inputs, which were documented for incorporation into the draft. These engagements culminated in the formation of a Technical Working Group tasked with reviewing and finalizing the details of the draft legislation.
The group’s mandate was to integrate stakeholder inputs and refine the draft before its validation by the PAP Committee on Financial and Monetary Affairs. Upon completion, the final draft will be submitted to the PAP Plenary.
The collaborative efforts between PAP and ICA-Africa, along with the engagement of key continental players, highlights a shared commitment to empowering cooperative societies, fostering inclusive growth and ensuring that the legal frameworks governing cooperatives are both progressive and adaptable to the unique needs of the African context.
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